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Transformer Issues
How can we help you with your Transformer?
Upgrade Transformer (With Existing Account)

1. Submit a request letter and attach your schedule of loads signed by a Professional Electrical Engineer.
2. As soon as we receive your letter, our staff engineer will schedule an inspection and give you a list of items to prepare and install.
3. When you have installed the materials requested, please inform us by calling our hotlines.
4. Come to the ILPI-Pala-o Office to pay for a Transformer Testing Assessment to be done by our Customer Service Inspectors.
5. Transformer Testing will be conducted (If the transformer failed, you will need to provide a new transformer which needs to be tested in ILPi-Luinab. Ask our customer service staff for other fees related to a new test.
6. If needed, you will be issued a new meter base which your private electrician will install.
7. You will also need to pay for transformer installation and Bill Deposit Assessments once everything is in order.
8. We will install the transformer and meter in coordination with our Maintenance and Metering Teams.
9. Your account will now be energized.